How To Take Your Performance To The Next Level

More Power Please!

Like most people who ride a bike or do triathlons, I want to be faster. I suspect you do too. I’ve been coaching professionally now for 19 years – and my riders have had wins at the World Championships and Paralympics, through to National Championships, local races, and people wanting to get fitter or leaner – I’ve got a good idea of what does and doesn’t work. All the coaches at RST Sport have a knowledge of what it takes to succeed: it’s a mix of experience, and using an evidence based approach.

We work with riders who do and don’t use a power meter. Using one definitely helps — it allows your coach to see exactly how hard (or not) you’re working. There’s no cheating. However, we know they’re expensive and not everyone wants to have such data.

There are some required steps to help you with increasing your performance — goal setting; consistent training; intensity; nutrition; fitness testing — these and more are covered in our 5-day Speed Training Course; which you can sign up to via our website.

For most people, having a coach or a training plan can take the guess work out of what to do, and when; and working with an RST Sport coach can help provide you with the work and help you need to reach your goals and be faster than ever. We know this, because we do this everyday – putting you first to make you faster.

If you’d like to move the next level, to be faster and leaner than before then please give me a shout via email — I’ll personally respond to you — and will help get you on the road to being better than ever before.

Richard Stern